Come to your senses! Have you heard that before? How do you bring yourself into the present?
Plan on this prayer practice being as short as 30 seconds or as long as 30 minutes. You can be standing in your house, sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for your name to be called, or right before you fire up your car for the morning or afternoon commute.
Pick a spot for your eyes and fixate on that spot, continually, without moving any part of your body.
Now, pick a sound somewhere to listen to, but, remember, don’t move your eyes or your body.
Finally, become aware of something touching you... it could be your clothes, or the feel of your hands in your lap. You could feel your socks against your toes, or the belt around your waist. Just pick one of them!
Now, reading the above, three senses at the same might seem like a lot, but you are created for this level of focus. By having your mind continually engaged in the power of these three senses helps your attention to stay continually in the present, as if there is no time. Alternatively, you could replace the focus on a sound with that of a smell or taste. Did you really taste your coffee in the present moment? Or were you in a hurry, subjected to time? What about your favorite song you know really well? Think about the way you do things, then implement the above use of the senses in a combined manner. You are, indeed, fearfully and wonderfully created with a full ability of perceive God’s creation through the senses He gave you.
You will never hear the term “come to your senses” in the same way again. You will hear, see, and feel the present!
Very soon, practicing eternity (or practicing the present), will become very familiar and you will find the whole of God’s world opens up for you to experience. Then, we can teach it to our kids!!