I wanted to introduce myself, I am Christina. I am very excited to embark on this journey to assist our kids in their prayer life. I have a houseful of kids and we have been through ups and downs in our prayer lives, but have learned a ton. I bet you have learned a few things in praying with (and for) your kids as well. So, let's go! I want to share with you and provide a safe place to discuss the difficulties we might face, as well as the beautiful reflections of God these little hearts experience.
Our Heavenly Father has given us His precious Son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. St. Ignatius of Loyola wrote, "We will sooner tire of receiving God's gifts, than He will of giving them." So, let's feast together on the buffet of gifts He offers us as parents, caretakers, and friends... and in doing so, lead kids to the banquet as well! The secret is that He is doing all the initiation, and He is doing all the giving. Our job is to accept the invitation. Let's go together!
Christina, I am very glad you started this website and I look forward to joining you on this journey!!